Event Information

No events planned


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WHEN: If you have any "money-making" ideas for an event to raise funds to support the scholarship fund, please contact us.

Check out the Alumni 2024 Trip to Mackinac Island below on this page!!!

Next Alumni Board Meeting


WHEN: Sept. 18th, 2024
WHERE: Senior Citizen Center- Nickerson, KS
TIME: 1:30 p.m.
           We encourage past alumni, students and faculty members to attend.

Annual Meeting


WHEN:   June 7th, 2025
WHERE: Reno Valley Middle School
TIME:     5:00 p.m.
             Everyone is invited to attend.



WHEN: June 7th, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. The banquet will be at Reno Valley Middle School. We will be honoring the 2025 scholarship recipients and the class of 1975.
Hope to see you at the banquet.

NHS Request


Please Click Hereto read request by the school.

NHS Alumni Field Trip


Nickerson High Alums Presents: Mackinac Island.
9 days and 8 nights (Sat - Sun) Sep 21 -29.

For pictures, video, and information visit:


For Information & Reservations Contact:

Jackie Ashcraft at (620)727-1081 or Sue Griffith at (620)899-3022

Jackie: jsashcraft47@gmail.com

Sue: jsgriffith2@gmail.com

Please Click Here to open a trip application form to print out.